9/1/22 at 14:41hrs Taunton units were dispatched to a fire alarm activation in the 100blk of Ormsby Dr. A resident in the area had heard the audible alarm and notified the 911 Center. Taunton Car 1, Engine 6 and Engine 4 were on scene in 3 minutes. Upon doing a 360 size up of the residence, smoke was visible from the rear of the house. Car 1 requested the alarm be upgraded to a residential fire while the engine 6 and engine 4 crews deployed a hose line and forced entry into the house finding a small kitchen fire. The situation was mitigated rapidly with limited extension. Command held with Taunton and Fairmount Fire Department Engine 4. The combination of working smoke detectors and neighbors looking out for neighbors prevented this from being a far worse outcome.
Chief and Engine Companies Run First Due Kitchen Fire